British Empire, Great Britain. Medal of Karl Goetz, Wilhelm II, 1888-1918 , 1915

British Empire, Great Britain. Medal of Karl Goetz, Wilhelm II, 1888-1918 , 1915


Cast FE Medal, 61.87g (55mm, 12).

British copy issued by Gordon Selfridge, after K. Goetz. The Lusitania sinking in heavy seas; five lines in exergue / GESCHAFT UBER ALLES (business above all), skeleton (as Death) standing left within ticket booth marked; to left, queue of passangers, one of whom reads a newspaper with the headline 

Pedigree: From the PS Collection of Medals of the Great War

References: Commemoration 2a1BHM –; Eimer 1941Ab; cf. Kienast 156 (for prototype)

Grade: Small spot of rust on obverse on smoke stacks. Almost as made. Includes original box with lid separated and propaganda insert. Rare with the insert.


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