Kings of Macedon, Ionia. Early postumous issue of Alexander III the Great, c. 336-323 BC Magnesia ad Maeandrum. ca. 323-319 BC

Kings of Macedon, Ionia. Early postumous issue of Alexander III the Great, c. 336-323 BC Magnesia ad Maeandrum. ca. 323-319 BC


AR Drachm, 4.28g (18mm, 11h).

Head of Heracles r. / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus seated l. on backless throne, eagle in r. hand and scepter in l.; bee facing up in l. field, ram head l. below throne.

Pedigree: From a Swiss collection formed during the 1980's; Privately purchased from Schweizerische Kreditanstalt; Nomos AG, 21 February 2016

References: Price 1939

Grade: Crackly surfaces on obverse, otherwise nicely struck with pretty toned surfaces and interesting symbols on reverse


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