Roman Republic, Italy. C. Norbanus, Rome, c. 83 BC

Roman Republic, Italy. C. Norbanus, Rome, c. 83 BC


AR Denarius, 4.07g (19mm, 10h).

C NORBANVS, head of Venus with diadem to r. with control mark behind / fasces between ear of corn and caduceus.

References: Craw. 357/1b, Albert 1243

Grade: Pretty iridescent toning and sharp strike. Unobtrusive minor marks on both sides. EF


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A novus homo, Gaius “Balbus” Norbanus marked the elevation of his family, which was up till that time plebeian. As a Roman moneyer and consul, Gaius “Balbus” Norbanus issued coins in 83 BC depicting Venus and various symbols of state power (i.e. the caduceus and fasces). However, shortly after this coin was issued, Norbanus fell out of favor with the state! During Sulla’s Civil war he was a Marian supporter. After a defeat at the hands of Sulla’s forces and a betrayal by his legate, Publius Albinovanus, Norbanus was forced to flee to Rhodes. He then faced proscription by Sulla and later committed suicide before leaving the island.